If You Start Saving in Your 401K at 45, You Will Have to Save 3X as Much as if You Start at 25
Have more money for the fun things in life, by starting to save earlier. Time is on your side.
Have more money for the fun things in life, by starting to save earlier. Time is on your side.
The price of Bitcoin and the Federal Funds target rate are intricately linked. As rates rise, Bitcoin suffers. As rates fall, Bitcoin benefits. To know where Bitcoin will go next, follow the Fed.
Cash balance plans continue to grow in popularity. They can save business owners $200,000 per year in tax per owner. Any company with less than 100 employees should determine if a cash balance plan is right for them.
What should investors favor today, growth stocks like Apple and Google? Or value stocks like Johnson and JP Morgan?
As the Federal Reserve begins an interest rate hiking cycle, what will the impact be on the stock market?
The Federal Reserve has begun a cycle of raising interest rates and tightening monetary policy. What will the impact be on markets, from bonds to housing?